PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) believes that the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) will create a strong, healthy, recognized, and trustworthy company. GCG can encourage healthy competition and a conducive business environment. There are five main principles in GCG that are applied by KFTD to prevent corruption.


This GCG principle aims to ensure that the company provides information that is easily accessible, relevant, and understood by stakeholders. The information must be accurate, timely, clear, adequate, and within reach.


The next principle of Good Corporate Governance is accountability. In this case, KFTD must be able to take full responsibility for its performance to ensure that every step the company takes is in line with the business objectives.  


Responsibility means that KFTD must comply with applicable regulations and carry out its responsibilities towards society and the environment. In other words, KFTD should take social responsibility when conducting business.


The fourth principle is independence, which is related to managing the company independently so that each party does not dominate the other. Every part of the company is not allowed to dominate and interfere with certain interests that are not part of their obligations.

Fairness and Equality

Fairness and equality are related to the interests of shareholders. The guideline of this principle covers providing opportunities for shareholders to convey their ideas and opinions for the benefit of the company and treating each shareholder fairly and equally. 

KFTD believes that the implementation of GCG can provide protection to all stakeholders, mitigate business risks, and increase the company’s credibility. GCG will prevent conflicts of interest and the subsequent implications that often arise.